Cuphead Wiki
Cuphead Wiki

Terrarianmaster55 Terrarianmaster55 1 May 2018

Cuphead add-on WIP

Cuphead: CCCChallenge

It’s been roughly a year after Cuphead and Mugman defeated the Devil, and today they received an invitation to the stadium, something about “winning millions!” through a challenge. When they came there, they were greeted by Chazz Chase Charleston (Or as he’s better known, Triple-C),  a rather attractive man in a green tuxedo, talking into a microphone, with quite an audience. “Let’s greet our newest contestants!” The crowd applauded the two bros. ”For those of you who don’t know, Cuphead and Mugman were the brothers who freed inkwell isle from eternal servitude to the Devil. And how did they do this? Not by negotiation of course, no, they had to fight like there’s no tomorrow! They are currently considered the toughest…

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Terrarianmaster55 Terrarianmaster55 24 March 2018

Another new fanmade boss

"Arcade antics"

Cory coin-op

Appearance: A bit like King Dice, but instead of a dapper outfit he has a hoodie, and inplace of a dice, he has an arcade screen with a digital face.

Icon: A penny arcade

Battle: He actually runs an arcade where you can fight unlockable minibosses, and when you defat 12, you get to fight Cory. His battle is like King dice's, accept he uses a coin instead of a dice.


1: Bagatelle Barry: A red ball with a face, similar to Mangosteen. Your flying through a bagatelle table, with Barry shooting marbles at you, while you dodge obstacles.

2. Marty Multiball: You fight in a giant pinball table, where Marty's face is actually part of it. You summon Marty by parrying a pinball towards one of the special holes, he atta…

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Terrarianmaster55 Terrarianmaster55 24 March 2018

New fanmade boss

"Buzzing brawl"

Name: Buzz Horus Fly

Icon: Abandoned house

Appearance: An oversized cartoony Blowfly

Battle: 1st Phase: The first phase takes place on a bay windowsill. Buzz flies spheratically across the screen, shooting green and parry-able pink slime balls at you. After a while, a giant flyswatter starts appearing and swatting the battlefield.

2nd phase: The battleground collapses into a trashcan, making it somewhat of a platformer as you must move through the maze of various kitchen trash, while Buzz is still attacking you.

3rd phase: The trash tunnel exits into a stable, and buzz turns into a horse with wings (horsefly) and now, instead of shooting slime balls, he shoots horseshoes that bounce around the screen. Occasionally, a hoof will ap…

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Terrarianmaster55 Terrarianmaster55 19 March 2018

Help needed

Im trying to come up with some ideas for Cuphead bosses, and im doing good as far as the Ideas part goes, but i need help with the actual boss fights.

Pierrot boss

Name: (still trying to come up with it)

Level name: Monochrome Mayhem

Location: W.I.P.

Boss fight: Need peoples help.

Dr. Anomalunatic (Mad researcher)

Appearance: A cartoony version of Kozaky from Yu-Gi-Oh.

Level name: Researcher's wrath

Location: Underground research center

Boss fight: 1st Phase: He attacks by shooting darts at you, while security officers shoot from above at random times

2nd phase: He unleashes several of the captive creatures Inluding:

  • A Gem creature
  • A Giant bat
  • A Giant octopus
  • A Mutated gator
  • A metal automaton

3rd phase: He injects himself with super steroids and charges at…

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