Cuphead Wiki

(One morning Cuphead and Mugman were sleeping soundly in their beds then suddenly someone threw fireworks in the room and they went off and went flying everywhere and waking up the boys in a panic)

Mugman: What’s happening?! (Covers his head with a pillow)

Cuphead: I don’t know?!

(The smoke cleared and there was Elder Kettle laughing merrily)

Cup bros: Elder Kettle?

Mugman: But you hate fireworks!

Elder Kettle: Well outside yeah, but we’re inside! (Changes the subject) Now you boys ready for a day of fun? (Pulls out to wrapped gifts from behind his back) Here’s your presents!

Mugman: But it’s not Christmas.

Elder Kettle: So?

( The boys looked at each other and shrugged it off and rip the presents to reveal more fireworks.)

Cuphead: Wow! Is the whole day of fun going to be fireworks theme?

(Elder Kettle slides on screen)

Elder Kettle: Nope!

(With that he lit and match and set off the fireworks and it flew everywhere again making the boys panic again. Later In the kitchen Kettle was making pancakes for the boys which is similar in the Carn-evil episode. But when he set the plates of food in front of them the food was burnt.

Cuphead: Ugh! Yuck!

Mugman: Hey these are all burnt.

(Cuphead tries to bite into a pancake but it was too hard.)

Elder Kettle: Well can’t win them all boys.

(With that he threw the bad food out the window.)

Elder Kettle: Always have a plan B! (Pulls out his cookie jar.)

(The boys looked at each other dumbfounded)

Mugman: But you never share your cookies!

Cuphead: Are you feeling alright?

Elder Kettle: Never better.

(Then Kettle opens the jar and place on the table for the boys who gobble it down like there was no tomorrow. Kettle also got a cookie for himself. Then Kettle turned to the viewers and gave them a familiar charming wink.)
