Cuphead Wiki
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"Remember, only a regular battle will let you collect a debtor's soul contract. Now scram!"- King Dice after you first beat a boss on simple mode


In Cuphead there are currently 3 types of difficulty settings you can choose when fighting a boss, regular, simple, and expert.

Regular Mode

Regular mode is, as the name implies, is the normal mode you are intended to play on. Bosses have all their phases on this mode. 

Top grade: A+

Simple Mode

On this mode bosses have less phases, easier attacks, and have a certain pattern to follow (ex: Cagney Carnation will first use lunge attacks, then the gattling gun, followed by the "magic hands" attack, and ending with the gattling gun.) Bosses also use less projectiles at times, for example, if a boss fires 4 bullets it will instead fire 3 bullets instead. You will not earn a soul contract in this mode.

Top grade: B+

Expert Mode

This mode is only unlockable once you beat The Devil. All bosses have more health, and more attacks (ex: If a boss fires 4 bullets it will instead fire 5.) Beating this mode will give you the achivement "Beat The Devil At His Own Game", a golden flag with a star on it will appear when you beat a boss on this.

Top grade: S



Cuphead - All Bosses (No Damage - A Grades)


Cuphead All Bosses On Simple Difficulty (Boss Phases Easier And Fewer)


Cuphead - All Bosses S ranks 【Expert, Perfect scores】
