The Devil(TCS) in mink form and Vasilisa in her animal form(least weasel)
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The Devil(TCS) in mink form and Vasilisa in her animal form(least weasel)
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Coming in 2024+ Netflix trailer
Hell Team is a team of many bosses who wanted revenge against Cuphead, Mugman, and Ms. Chalice
King Dice
Also in this Fight the Devil has 200 x More Health. King Dice has 40 x More Health and Demon has 20 x more health
Because of their allies and friends and Cuphead/Mugman/Ms. Chalice have 160 more HP than usual
19 Votes in Poll
I was kind of thinking that The Devil would show his hate for Christmas, and disrespect it, since Christmas is a time to give out gifts, being kind and showing love, respect, and care for each other, snow, Santa Claus, and celebrating Jesus Christ's birthday, whom is God's son, and practically it would make sense for The Devil to hate Christmas since it is the birthday of Jesus Christ, the son of God, who is the one who punished The Devil. I am very surprised that The Devil loves Christmas and enjoys it, in his own personal ways though.
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Hi, I've just finished watch season 3 this week! I expect the series finale would've been better. However, I have some confusions -
Why didn't the Devil catch ELDER KETTLE and his goat to the battlefield when he has brought everyone on the isle he knew to it for his dance-off against Chalice?
Has the show really ended?
Please, I need some explanations.
36 Votes in Poll
I got a knockout and died at the same time XD
Talk about luck.
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Hello, dear fellows of the Cuphead Wiki! I am relatively new to this wiki as this is just my first post, but anyhow — I have finally reached the Devil in the game, but have reached many bumps as I struggle to beat him.
But now, I want others’ opinions — so to all of the people who have beaten The Devil in the original installment of ‘Cuphead: Don’t Deal With The Devil’…
In your opinion/experience, what item sets (such as charms, super arts, weapon, etc.) would you use to beat the Devil?
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