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Hi, I've just finished watch season 3 this week! I expect the series finale would've been better. However, I have some confusions -
Why didn't the Devil catch ELDER KETTLE and his goat to the battlefield when he has brought everyone on the isle he knew to it for his dance-off against Chalice?
Has the show really ended?
Please, I need some explanations.
Here is my Tier List on Cuphead Bosses (Only Includes the ones I have fought)
I've been trying to get an S-rank on them for a while now, and I don't know what to do about the third phase, since I can't keep my balance on the platforms that are spawned from the slot machine and I end up getting hit.
• The snakes (green) are the ones that you have to keep jumping on, and they move pretty fast. I can't keep up with them, and I keep falling off of this type of platform and get hit every time.
• The tigers (orange) are the ones with the balls periodically moving. I can't time my jumps very well on these things, and I get hit from the balls themselves or the spikes on this type of platform.
• The bulls (red) are the ones with the flames aligned to a certain position. I rarely ever get this type of platform (it's the easiest one for me, however), but there are times where I jump off the platform a bit too soon and get hit by either the spikes or another flame.
If anyone were to help me with this phase, so I can get my S-rank on this boss, I'd gladly appreciate it.
I've having a lot of issues with attempting to get an S-rank on them. I'm using the Roundabout, Spread, Super Art | (Energy Beam), and P. Sugar.
1. Whenever I try to jump over or parry one of the fists in the first phase, I always get hit by the fireflies.
2. Even if I jump over the fists that are occasionally thrown out in the second phase, I still get hit, regardless of what I do.
3. I can't keep my balance on the disc platforms that spawn from the slot machine in the third phase, and I k e e p o n g e t t i n g h i t.
I rarely ever get to the third phase anyway, since I always restart the level when I take damage in the first two phases.
This one's gonna be about Ribby and Croaks.
Recommended Loadout: Roundabout is good to have, nothing else needed.
In the first phase, parry every fist you can. Parrying in the second phase is difficult to do and not recommended. Roundabout can clear the flies, but feel free to use a different weapon just for that purpose. It's not too bad.
For the second phase...just beat it. It's not very complex. Don't bother parrying, it's best to get them all in the first phase.
The third phase is the real challenge. The level pops up after five coins, so keep count in your head before going for it. Personally I like going for Spread to hit them when you're up close, then going for Roundabout on a tricky attack.
Which S-Rank guide do I give next? I've only got one more boss to S-Rank, and then I'll be done with all of them, so I think I'm experienced enough to give tips on all bosses.
That’s right this is a shameless plug of my Scratch account, ha ha ha hee
Have fun listening, or don’t. Either way, have a good day everyone.
33 Votes in Poll
Please note that my OC characters are actually inspired by @Fizzzla's OC characters, meaning that I just watched his OC characters and they were drawn by @Wooloothesquid, and I loved it.
So, I decided to create my own OC characters for the Cuphead Show, and @Wooloothesquid will then draw them.
Today, I'll be talking about Rebecca and Cindy, the genderbend versions of Ribby and Croaks.
Rebecca has short hair in a bob, and her hair has the same color as Ribby's.
If you don't know what I'm talking about, take a look at these two images:
As for Cindy, she has short hair tied into a ponytail and also has the same colors as Croaks.
Just, take a look at these images, please, if you would, of course:
Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's how her ponytail would look like, of course.
As for the outfits, they seem to wear business suits with four dark black buttons and dark black ties.
They also have punching gloves, and they wear high heels.
Rebecca wears a dark green business suit with a orange flower on it, white stripes, four black buttons on them and wears a black tie.
She also wears a short skirt that is the same color as her business suit, and also wears black socks and dark green high heels.
Cindy wears a dark blue business suit with a yellow flower on it, white stripes, four black buttons on them and also wears a black tie.
Just like Rebecca, she also wears a short skirt that is the same color as her business suit, and she also wears black socks and dark blue high heels.
So, that's it for today. If you can draw them, then let me know in the comments below!
See you soon! Bye!
Oh, and one more thing. @Wooloothesquid, I promise that I'll stop bugging your, forever, so that you'll have enough time to draw them. That's all.
Alright, that's it. I'm out of here. See you soon. Bye.
I made these, but nobody noticed. Week Two on Sunday!
This Sunday, I will have some cool comics: Ribby and Croaks Part II and Star Wars where the Cups get lightsabers and destroy everyone.
This was a busy week.
(omg do you see my mouse Idk Fandom won't let me upload the pdf so I took screenshots also Cuphead littered and has a stain on his face)
Hope you enjoyed it!
21 Votes in Poll
30 Votes in Poll
31 Votes in Poll
47 Votes in Poll
30 Votes in Poll
Episode 1: Queen Of Court: Elder Kettle got new glasses and heard about the boys in prison and needed to get them out with Chalice’s help. They started a court run by Rumor Honey Bottoms.
Episode 2: Back To The Dice: King Dice hires some goons from the darkest part of the island to get the cup brothers.
Episode 3: Fun of a Lifetime: Elder Kettle and the brothers went to the carnival for fun but met the owner of the carnival, Beppi The Clown.
Episode 4: Charm and Sweets: The brother forgives Chalice for the police thing and celebrates in the Land of Sweets but meets Baroness Von Bon Bon who doesn’t like people eating her sweets.
Episode 5: Ghost Souls: The Devil teamed up with the ghost to get the cup brothers at night on The Phantom Express.
Episode 6: Roots and Frogs: The Cups encountered The Root Pack and Ribby and Croaks and they opened a diner in the middle of town.
Episode 7: Egg Danger: Pork Rind ask the brothers to get some eggs from the owner at a birdhouse near the river.(Wally Warbles)
Episode 8: Beach Bash: The Devil hires Captain Briney Bared and Cala Maria to get the cup brothers for some money.
Episode 9: Double Down: The Cup Brothers learn that The Devil sends bounty hunters to get them so Elder Kettle gave them powers to beat Dr. Kahl's Robot and Werner Werman.
Episode 10: The Great Cuphead: Cuphead showed a magic trick for everyone but Djimmi the Great and Sally Stageplay showed him magic.
Episode 11: Dragons, Moons, Flowers Oh My: The Devil hires Grim Matchstick, Hilda Berg, and Cagney Carnation to get the cup brothers and get the money.
Episode 12: The Final Match: The Cup Brothers went to The Devil’s lair to beat him and King Dice once and for all.
I used to not really care about ribby and croaks and forget about them alot but the cuphead show makes me respect these guys a LOT more than I used to. Anybody else feel the same way or is it just me?